Wednesday, June 15, 2016

June - December double page scrapbook team!

We welcome back some returning members for the double page team, including Ali, who will be continuing to design our sketches. You will notice some new faces as well :)

I am a stay at home mom of two wonderful kids, my son (4 in June) and my daughter (1 in June). They keep me very busy-our favorite things to do together are library trips, family crafts, and frequenting a nearby creek for hiking and swimming. My husband and I have been together for eight years, he is a wonderful father and he often facilitates my crafting time (so he is also my hero!).
I have a MA in Teaching and Learning with Technology, my teaching efforts right now are most directed at my children, but one day I would love to direct those efforts to a wider audience! For now I am enjoying being a mom and a teacher to the most important students in my life!
My scrapbooking really took off when I was pregnant with my son. I had been scrapping here and there since high school, but I became hooked when I had a tiny little person to take a million pictures of! I love using patterned paper and mixing patterns and colors that don’t necessarily “go” together. I especially love creating double pages, mostly because I have a TON of pictures to scrap and I enjoy making layouts that are cohesive and incorporate a lot of pictures.
You can check out my layouts at 
I’m 51 years old, married and I have three grown up stepchildren. I have a full time job.
I and my DH love to travel and spend time at our cabin in the mountains. Everywhere we go we take pictures, a lot of pictures. I’ve been scrapping for about 11 years now and since we have a lot of pictures I love to make double pages layouts with many photos on. For me it’s important to tell a story, so journaling are essential for me. Most of the time I write my journal by hand. Early I found out that stamps was great to use on my pages. The last years I have also gone into mixed media, and love to use paints, mists, inks and other mediums on my pages, often together with stencils and stamps. Sometimes I make my own embellishments and I alter chipboard to go with my photos.
I also make single layouts, cards and altered projects.

Hi, I am Tina.I live in South Williamsport, PA. I am married to a wonderful man now 22 years between the 2 of us we have 8 kids, 17 Grandkids, 2 Greatgrandkid with a pair of twins and another on the way :) We are the owners to 1 fur-baby too, Buddy an Australian cattle dog (Blue Heelers) and has been part of our lives since 2004. I'm a mold ejection laborer working the night shift for Shop Vac

I started scrapbooking in 2007 when 2 coworkers/friends took me to my first crop, one of the girls said all I needed to bring was the pictures and anything special to go with them, she provided me with my first album and I had access to her supply of paper. I fell in love with the hobby that day and have been doing it since, that year for Christmas they gave me my first tote-bag kit that I still use when going to crops. I love to scrap in my Scrapcave (scraproom) it gives a chance to relax and enjoy the process of preserving memories. I scrap, make cards, smash and project life.

You can find me at blog:


Hi, my name is Chris, and I live on the Sapphire Coast of New South Wales, Australia.  I am a single Mum of a ten year old boy, who is homeschooled, and I teach Instrumental Music from my studio at home.  I have been crafting as long as I can remember, and started getting into scrapbooking around the time my son was born. In 2008, a friend took me along to a Stampin' Up! workshop.  That was the first time I had ever tried stamping, and I loved it so much that I joined up as a demonstrator.  Now I love to combine stamping with Scrapbooking, and cardmaking, and anything to do with papercrafting!  I am so excited about the opportunity to join the Stick It Down team, and look forward to sharing my work with all of you.

Hi, I am Valerie! I currently live in Montpellier, South of France, but I originally come from Reunion Island, located in the Indian Ocean.
I discovered scrapbooking thanks to my mother and sister, and it went well with my love of papers and all things creative. Which is why, I will probably use different techniques or medium on my creations.
I am all about creativity (always), finding new sources of inspiration (everywhere) and ways to create in a positive and encouraging atmosphere.
Get in touch with Valerie here:
Or connect with her on Instagram:
Hello! My name is Ronna and I live in Huntsville, Ontario. I share my life with my husband Bruce and more scrappy supplies than I’ll ever be able to use. I am the mother of two grown children, who, together with their spouses, manage to land themselves in enough interesting situations that I have no shortage of photographs to scrapbook.
I enjoy many crafts, but mainly scrapbooking and quilting. When I’m in my scrappy space, all I ever think about is trying to find the perfect papers and embellies to match. I love working threads into my layouts. My craft room really is where fabric and paper collide.
I started my scrapbooking journey almost 2 1/2 years ago and became completely addicted. I am thrilled to be working with such a talented team at Stick it Down.


  1. Congrats to the all the "double-pagers" DT
    Great to see you back Ronna - can't wait to see your inspiration!!! xoxo

  2. Congrats ladies. Can't wait to see all your inspiration.


Thank you for stopping by to visit us at Stick it Down! We love having you.