
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

do you want us to continue double page sketches?

Double page entries are down so I posted a poll on our Facebook page. I'd love if you took a few minutes to go vote.

Our double page sketch team and designers are amazing! I know double page spreads take more time to create so we started posting them at the beginning of the month. Still, double page entries are less and less.

Do you want us to continue with double page sketches? We appreciate your feedback!


  1. I love double page sketches. I'm sorry entries are down.

  2. It just depends on what I am scrapping but I guess I have done less double pagers lately. I do like your sketches.

  3. It really doesn't matter to me, I very seldom do double pages but don't want to discourage others if they like the challenge.

  4. I go back and forth on trying double pages. It just depends on the sketch, I would rather have no more than 2-3 pictures per side and then tie the pages together with the design.

  5. I LOVE LOVE double page sketches, and in the "winter" when I get more "me" time... I try to play along as much as I can. :) I actually do more doubles than singles. :)

  6. I don't do doubles but I think it's wonderful to have the option.... if it's not too much work for the designers!

  7. Please don't let go of your double page sketches! I definitely enjoy seeing them! :)


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