
Friday, December 18, 2015

welcome our new double page design team!

Welcome back some returning members for the double page team, including Ali, who will be continuing to design our sketches. Half of this team will be new faces bringing new inspiration for us! Congratulations ladies!
I am a stay at home mom of two wonderful kids, my son (4 in June) and my daughter (1 in June). They keep me very busy-our favorite things to do together are library trips, family crafts, and frequenting a nearby creek for hiking and swimming. My husband and I have been together for eight years, he is a wonderful father and he often facilitates my crafting time (so he is also my hero!).
I have a MA in Teaching and Learning with Technology, my teaching efforts right now are most directed at my children, but one day I would love to direct those efforts to a wider audience! For now I am enjoying being a mom and a teacher to the most important students in my life!
My scrapbooking really took off when I was pregnant with my son. I had been scrapping here and there since high school, but I became hooked when I had a tiny little person to take a million pictures of! I love using patterned paper and mixing patterns and colors that don’t necessarily “go” together. I especially love creating double pages, mostly because I have a TON of pictures to scrap and I enjoy making layouts that are cohesive and incorporate a lot of pictures.
You can check out my layouts at 
I’m Evelyn.  Like most of you, I have always been crafty one way or another.  I knit, did counted cross-stitch for a few years, and have made beaded Christmas tree ornaments.  I’ve kept a scrapbook since I was a girl.  It included grainy, out of focus black and white photos taken on school field trips and around my home, locks of hair from when I got it cut, and paint samples from when I painted my bedroom walls (pink and yellow!)  When I discovered scrapbooking, I took that old scrapbook apart and re-made it using all acid-free materials.  My first die cutting machine was the Cricut Expression.  I now have two of them, a Gypsy, a Cameo and a Portrait, and use all of them to make scrapbook layouts, cards, and other paper items as well.  I'm honored and excited to be a member of the Stick it Down design team and its newest card sketch designer!
I’m 51 years old, married and I have three grown up stepchildren. I have a full time job.
I and my DH love to travel and spend time at our cabin in the mountains. Everywhere we go we take pictures, a lot of pictures. I’ve been scrapping for about 11 years now and since we have a lot of pictures I love to make double pages layouts with many photos on. For me it’s important to tell a story, so journaling are essential for me. Most of the time I write my journal by hand. Early I found out that stamps was great to use on my pages. The last years I have also gone into mixed media, and love to use paints, mists, inks and other mediums on my pages, often together with stencils and stamps. Sometimes I make my own embellishments and I alter chipboard to go with my photos.
I also make single layouts, cards and altered projects.

I'm Esther an Avid Scrapbooker living in sunny Phoenix. I am a mom of 3 kiddos and love to scrap everyday moment.  I scrapbook almost daily and love every moment of it. I love taking inspiration from sketches and I am excited to be part of the Stick it Down team. 

I'm a work at home mom of an 12 year old boy, a 10 year old girl and a 15 month old sweet baby boy. Therefore my life is usually filled with learning, new discovery, bribery and sometimes "time outs". I have a loving and very supportive husband of 13 years. When the kids have gone to bed at night, my time is spent crafting while catching up on my favorite shows and movies. I also enjoy reading, window shopping and perusing blogs for inspirations. 
Although I’ve been doing some type of scrapbooking since grade school, I only started to scrapbook seriously after my son was born. When he was born I knew I will be staying at home with him but coming from a fast paced sales job I was afraid I would ran out of things to do during the day. Little did I know that with a newborn you won’t have anytime to do anything else. Anyways after going through a basic scrapbooking class I was hooked and haven’t stopped scrapping since. My style has evolved through the years but there's one thing that never changes- my quest to tell the story. That's always the first thing I think of when I want to make a scrapbook page and/or project. And lately I've been inspired by pattern paper and fun, bright colors.

Hi, I am Tina.I live in South Williamsport, PA. I am married to a wonderful man now 22 years between the 2 of us we have 8 kids, 17 Grandkids, 2 Greatgrandkid with a pair of twins and another on the way :) We are the owners to 1 fur-baby too, Buddy an Australian cattle dog (Blue Heelers) and has been part of our lives since 2004. I'm a mold ejection laborer working the night shift for Shop Vac

I started scrapbooking in 2007 when 2 coworkers/friends took me to my first crop, one of the girls said all I needed to bring was the pictures and anything special to go with them, she provided me with my first album and I had access to her supply of paper. I fell in love with the hobby that day and have been doing it since, that year for Christmas they gave me my first tote-bag kit that I still use when going to crops. I love to scrap in my Scrapcave (scraproom) it gives a chance to relax and enjoy the process of preserving memories. I scrap, make cards, smash and project life.

You can find me at blog:  

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